Payment Process
Invoicing Process of Tubitak Projects for member of ITU
- For payments of Tubitak Project within ITU please visit website of ITU Scientific Research Projects Unit.
Invoicing Process of ITU Scientific Research Projects Unit
For payments of SRP Project within ITU please visit website of İTÜ Altyapı Paylaşım Sistemi. You must download and fill out the allowance transfer form on this website. The form must be signed by authorized person from UHeM before delivery to ITU Scientific Research Projects Unit.
(Unit code of UHeM is 106)
Other Invoicing Processes
Other invoicing processes involve project payment of Tübitak, SRP project except ITU and personal and industrial payments.
• In case service procurement for the computing resources is anticipated, we issue a proforma invoice. For request of proforma please click.
• Circulation Capital Account of ITU for payments is:
Banka Adı: T. Vakıflar Bankası T.A.O. Maslak Şubesi (Şube Kodu:401)
Hesap Adı: İ.T.Ü. Döner Sermaye İşletme Müdürlüğü
Hesap No: 00158007295668824
IBAN No: TR04 0001 5001 5800 7295 6688 24
- If payer is natural person :Name , Adress , Personal identification number
- If payer is legal person :Company/Institution Name, Adress, Tax office and tax number .